Since my last post my mother lost her ten year battle with Alzheimers Disease.  I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their love and kind thoughts over the past month.  We truly have only one way to get through the grief of losing someone we love…together.

I thought I would repost a video I made about the stages of grief and how they relate to the important task we have of helping our children to not only become adults, but more importantly to become grown-ups.  The hope that our children would become people who don’t complain and wait for others to fix things, but ones who take responsibility and action in spite of the unwanted realities they will invariably experience in life.  Not just death, but any number of difficult unwanted realities such as failure, unfairness, loneliness, loss, not being special, and many, many others.

In summary:

The video about grief can be found here.